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    Nov 25:Egg Donation

    The most common question asked in this field is

    What is Egg donation?

    What is egg donation? This is a question I am asked all the time. (These egg donation bloggers are probably too.)

    Egg donation is the process in which a woman gives her eggs to other people so they can have children of their own. Most of the time, egg recipients are infertile couples who cannot have children without medical help. Sometimes egg recipients are single women or men, and sometimes egg recipients combine donated eggs with the use of a gestational surrogate, a woman who agrees to get pregnant and have a baby for the intended parents. Fertility clinics and egg donor programs usually manage the egg donation process from start to finish.

    Photo of a Human EggUnlike sperm donation, egg donation involves taking several drugs and undergoing a medical procedure to remove the donor's eggs. The first phase of egg donation usually involves taking drugs to synchronize the donor's menstrual cycle with the intended mother's cycle. Once synchronized, the egg donor begins taking drugs to stimulate her ovaries to make extra eggs. The final phase, called egg harvesting, involves surgically removing the eggs from the donor's ovaries. During the egg harvesting phase, the donor is put under light anaesthesia (called "twilight") so she feels no pain, and doctors place a small needle into her vagina to remove the eggs in a process called egg harvesting. The entire process, from synchronizing her cycle to egg harvesting is called an "egg donation cycle."

    Egg donors report that the process can be physically uncomfortable for a few days before returning to normal.
    More Info about egg donation:http://egg-donation-directory.blogspot.com/2007/05/what-is-egg-donation.html


    For Writing Blog Post: $50 via PayPal
    For Subscribing to my RSS feed: A free text link in my sidebar for 1 year.

    If you enter both ways, you can win both prizes!

    More Info about Contest:http://egg-donation-directory.blogspot.com/2007/10/win-50-for-writing-blog-post.html

    End date: Nov 25


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