Aug 21:Win 50 $ Cash
First prize: $50.00 cash through Paypal
Second prize: 1,000 Entrecard credits
Third prize: One indepth blog review
Fourth prize: 125 x 125 ad for one month
Fifth prize: 125 x 125 ad for one month
Sixth prize: 125 x 125 ad for one month
Seventh prize: 125 x 125 ad for one month
Eighth prize: 125 x 125 ad for one month
7-10th prize: Blogroll link for one month
As you can see, there are 10 prizes up to be won. Yes, the prizes are not worth thousands of dollars, but it will take you less than two minutes to enter.
How to Enter?
1.Comment on that contest
2.Subscribe via e mail
3.Post about that contest
End Date:Aug 21
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